AoEC Team Connect 360

AoEC Team Connect 360

The AoEC’s unique 360 feedback tool quickly and efficiently generates insights into how a team is perceived by its many different stakeholders and by members of the team itself. The video guides below will give you a fuller insight into how to use Team Connect 360 and how it can add value to your coaching practice and team coaching engagements.

Only graduates of the Systemic Team Coaching® Certificate (Practitioner) course are licensed to use the tool with clients.

Additionally, delegates on the Systemic Team Coaching® Certificate (Practitioner) are eligible to use the tool with their Case Study Team only during training after Module 2.

What is Team Connect 360 (TC360)?

Team Connect 360 is a time saving and cost-effective online questionnaire which provides similar functionality as the individual 360 feedback tools many coaches will already be familiar with but in a team context.

It is based on the highly regarded Five Disciplines Model pioneered by Professor Peter Hawkins and has been extensively researched and trialled over twelve years. It is designed to ensure that you, as the team coach, and your client team can obtain valuable information about the team’s connections including internal and external stakeholders as you prepare to start working together.

Benefits of using Team Connect 360

Designed to save valuable time during the crucial inquiry process, TC360 enables the team to connect with multiple stakeholders and gain a rich source of data points and feedback in an accessible, quick and measurable format.

An invaluable tool, it is straightforward and easy to set up with the resultant report automatically generated - removing the need for you to analyse and refine the data prior to sharing with the team.

The video below highlights some of the many benefits you can gain in your client work by using TC360.

Preparing your client team to understand the process

In the short video below, we explain how you, as coach, can prepare the team to undertake the TC360 survey and how the survey fits within the Systemic Team Coaching process.

We walk you through the simple steps you need to take to ensure the team fully understands

  • the process of gathering stakeholder feedback
  • their responsibilities in managing the logistics
  • the administration of communicating with the team’s stakeholders

The video also shows you how to ensure clarity in the survey’s purpose and provides guidance on enabling the team leader or sponsor to personalize their invitation to respondents taking part.

How to launch Team Connect 360

Having already agreed your survey participants and project deadlines, you are now ready to download and complete the survey Data Input form and submit this with your online application.

With everything centralized in one secure system, you will receive updates about how the survey is progressing and be able to extend or shorten the survey if required.

In this video we talk you through the simple steps required to launch a TC360, where to download the accompanying documentation and explain what you as the coach need to do to support the process.

Team Connect 360 Client Report

You will receive the Client Report in PDF format within 24 hours of your survey closing.

Color coded to highlight the different stakeholder groups and their ratings, the report provides a summary profile of the Five Disciplines and an indication of what is working well/not so well. Sharing detailed data on each discipline, the report’s insights will enable you and the team to progress the coaching by extracting the key learning points and themes.

All of this and more is discussed in the video below.


• 0-30 responders - £750 + vat

• 31-50 responders - £1,025 + vat

• 51 – 80 responders - £1,300 + vat

We will quote individually for groups of more than 80 responders.


When can I use TC360 from?

You may use the TC360, following Module 2 of the training, when you can benefit from support in your Practicum Groups.

What languages is it available in?

TC360 is currently available in English only. There is a facility for development into other languages, but this is led by demand (a minimum of 10) with an added translation cost and developer’s lead time of three months.

Can I change the questions?

TC360 was developed as an ‘off the shelf’ product to save time interviewing clients and stakeholders individually. To keep the cost to a minimum, the mechanics were kept simple. We are working with the technical platform to find ways to increase flexibility and whilst it is possible to change the text in the questions, the fee for doing so is currently US$7000 per survey.

Do I have to use TC360 with my client?

You do not have to use this tool with your client – there are other ways you can obtain this information, for example conducting interviews or by using Peter Hawkins’ "High Value Creating Team Questionnaire (HVCTQ)", (which is free of charge). TC360 is a semi-automated process designed to take some of the legwork away from the coach for this part of the team coaching process, it has been designed as an ‘off the shelf product’ to enable it to be delivered as cost effectively as possible.

How and when do I pay for it, can I get my client to pay for it?

The invoice is payable by the coach and can be raised in GBP/Euro’s or USD, when you commission the survey.

Full payment will be required before we issue the client report.

Please note, we will not invoice or engage with your client directly. This allows you to add your own margin when you invoice your client. If you are offering the TC360 survey and/or your coaching services pro-bono, you will need to arrange for any reimbursement of costs incurred independently.

How long does the process take?

We recommend a two-week window from start to finish to allow sufficient time for as many responders to complete as possible. You will need to supply a deadline date, so everyone knows when we are working to. This deadline date can be extended if needs be. We will issue regular reminders to those that have not completed, together with regular updates to you ‘the coach’ as to how it is progressing.

What do I need to do to set one up?

Once you are ready to initiate the survey:

  • Download the Data Import File (see Team Connect 360 Guides & Documents below) and arrange for this to be completed with your client including:
    o Team Name
    o Start and Finish Date
    o Name/Email Address and responder ‘type’
  • Ensure the project sponsor/team leader briefs all stakeholders to expect the survey (refer to the template in Team Connect 360 Guides & Documents for an example)
  • Submit the application and the Data Import file using the launch survey, web based application form.

    Once we have received your completed application and Data Import file, we will set the survey up for your preferred start date. Please note that we require at least 24 hours’ notice.

  • How much notice must I give to set a TC360 up?

    We require a minimum of 24hrs notice to set things in motion once you have provided details as described above.

    How many responders should we have?

    We recommend 20 to 30 responders to produce high quality data although it will still work with lower numbers and larger companies will usually have more people to input. The responder numbers are the total number of responders, so for a team of 6 we would on average expect (although it will vary for each client) – primary stakeholder x 1; Team Members x 6; Team Reports 6 to 12; Other stakeholders 6 to 12: so, in total between 19 and 31 responders.

    Who should be included in the TC360 survey?

    That is for you to agree with your client, however, most surveys would usually include the following:

    Primary Stakeholder – usually one person but can be more if required. Typically who the Team Leader reports into

    Team Members – all of the Team members including the Team Leader

    Team Reports – selected individuals who report to the Team Members

    Stakeholders – you can identify up to three stakeholder groups. This could include clients, suppliers, regulators or other teams within the organization who have an interest in the team’s function and performance.

    Please note that we are unable to label the stakeholder groups when producing the Client Report. They will, however, be color-coded throughout the report to help when reviewing the data.

    Do we need a start date and a deadline date?

    A start date is required so that we know when to launch the survey. We also need to check that you have arranged with your client that the respondents have been briefed to expect to receive this request and understand why they have been asked to provide feedback. This also avoids requests being identified as ‘junk mail’.

    The deadline date is required to give responders a date to work to and this will be included in the invitation and on each reminder.

    Can the deadline be extended if required?

    We will send you regular updates throughout the process detailing who has and has not provided feedback. Should you wish to extend the deadline to allow more time for people to respond we can arrange this at no additional cost.

    What is the expected response rate?

    If the recommended preparation and briefing steps are followed comprehensively, we typically see an overall response rate of between 80% and 85%.

    Can we change the report format and branding?

    TC360 was developed as an ‘off the shelf’ product to save time interviewing clients and stakeholders individually. To keep the cost of this product to a minimum the mechanics of the tool were kept simple, as such there is no facility to change the report format or branding.

    How long until I receive the report?

    We will produce a pdf copy of the final report within one working day of the survey closing. We can also make a printer friendly version available if required at no additional cost.

    What if I need help feeding back to my client?

    How to debrief the survey report with your client is not included in the TC360 fee. 

    You can use the tool with the client that you work with whilst in the STC Practitioner training. However, you should be aware that it will not be until Module 2, where the tool is introduced that you will have the benefit of support and supervision via your Practicum Group. You can always arrange for some private Supervision with a member of the Faculty ahead of the debrief if required.

    Team Connect Process Documents:

    Team Connect 360 Guides: