Professional Body Accreditation

Professional Body Accreditation

As one of the few triple-accredited coach training providers, we understand the importance of accreditation in establishing yourself as a reputable and successful coach in the industry. Accreditation with a professional body offers recognition, assurance, and ongoing support for your coaching practice.

When choosing which professional body to become accredited with there is not a definitive right or wrong option. It is undeniable that the International Coaching Federation (ICF) stands as the world's largest coaching body, nevertheless, both the EMCC Global and the Association for Coaching (AC) also hold substantial credibility within the coaching community. It is down to personal choice, so do your research and secure an accreditation, which aligns with your own values, ethics and priorities as a coach.

An AoEC diploma programme will equip you with the coach-specific education required for your coach accreditation. To become accredited with one of the three professional bodies, you will need to complete the required client coaching hours and fulfil the additional requirements made by each accrediting body to move forward to application. 

We are pleased to offer fast-track coach accreditation routes for graduates of AoEC diploma programmes.

How do I become accredited with a professional body?

Please find below an illustration that details AoEC’s accredited programmes and which coach accreditations they are aligned with. Please refer to each professional body for the specific and additional requirements of coach accreditation and contact us below for more information on accreditation routes for AoEC graduates.

For further details of the benefits of each body, professional membership, and accreditation renewal information please refer directly to the AC, EMCC Global and ICF websites.

You can also download the information on this page in the form of a PDF below, and read our guide to the accrediting bodies here.

NB - Hours in the table below, refer to hours of coaching experience as defined by each of the professional bodies.

The Professional Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching is currently awaiting accreditation.  Read more about upcoming programmes here.

Route to Coaching Accreditation with Professional Bodies